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International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies

Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part A (2023)

Study on Gandhi: Indian Independence Movement


Bilash Samanta, Nimai Sannyasi and Abdul Halim


Gandhi spent a significant portion of his formative years at Porbandar, which influenced his views, ideals, and worldview. His mother's religious convictions and his exposure to these ideas, in particular, had a significant influence on him, paving the road for him to develop into a leader and change-advocate. We'll examine how Gandhi's early interactions shaped his beliefs and actions as we learn more about his life. The foundation of Gandhi's later ideas and actions were formed by his early encounters with religion, ethics, and social goals. His mother's instruction, the serenity of Jainism, and his exposure to texts that encouraged good behaviour all contributed to the development of his strong moral foundation. This article will be summarized information regarding role of Gandhi in Indian independence movement.

Pages: 22-27  |  278 Views  89 Downloads

International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies
How to cite this article:
Bilash Samanta, Nimai Sannyasi and Abdul Halim. Study on Gandhi: Indian Independence Movement. Int. J. Arts Humanit. Social Stud. 2023;5(2):22-27. DOI: 10.33545/26648652.2023.v5.i2a.65
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